Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketch Challenge #768


 Welcome to my blog, where I have

a new card to share with you each week for
Tuesday Morning Sketches
Here is the sketch for this week:
Here is my version:


Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. 

The Design Team invites you to stop by
 and visit their blogs, too.

         You can be sure that one of us will be visiting you.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Send a Smile 4 Kids August


The theme for the August Challenge at

Follow SAS4Kids on Facebook!
Birthday Cards for Kids
 Anything Goes for kids is always acceptable, too.
We just want to see your wonderful creations
and hope you enjoy making and sharing them!
Here are two cards I made for this challenge:

I came across this argyle paper in my scraps and built my first card from there.  Matching that green was tons of fun, but I persevered and was pleased with the result.  The remaining scrap of argyle paper was just enough to put together a second card.

It would be great if you joined the fun at the

(Cards only, please. And they need not be donated.)
Please take some time and visit the fabulous blogs of my teammates.  They work so hard and are very creative! 


Thanks so much for visiting my blog.