Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches Challenge #758


 Welcome to my blog, where I have

a new card to share with you each week for
Tuesday Morning Sketches 
Here is the sketch for this week:
We always say that the sketch is for inspiration, a jumping off point.
Here is my card:

 This cute little frog was hanging out in my stash, along with a lot more of them.  
I have absolutely no clue where they came from.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. 

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 and visit their blogs, too.

You can be sure that one of us will be visiting you.


  1. LOL you cracked me up about not knowing where your frogs came from, it sure is cute and fun and a wonderful focal point for your card Debi!!

  2. This is the cutest frog ever. Good choice for a focal point. Love the color choices

  3. Okay - that frog has to be the happiest frog I have ever seen!! Who cares where they came from, we're just happy they're here!!

  4. Super cute card! Love your little frog!


Thanks so much for saying hi.