Saturday, June 1, 2024

Send a Smile 4 Kids June Challenge - Cards for Teens/Tweens


The theme for the June Challenge at

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Cards for Teens/Tweens
 Anything Goes for kids is always acceptable, too.
We just want to see your wonderful creations
and hope you enjoy making and sharing them!
 Here are two cards I made that would be suitable for children who have reached double digit birthdays.

Do you ever ask yourself, "How did this get in my stash?"?
I have a pretty good feeling I know who gave me the bird in dark glasses.  Where the birthday confetti came from is anyone's guess.  The die cuts on the second card were leftovers from a recent class I taught, which never made it to my stash.  The little butterfly is a digi image from 2 Cute Ink, which I colored with markers and fussy cut.
Both cards are headed to Send a Smile 4 Kids.

Hopefully I've given you some ideas when you make your cards 

 for Teens and Tweens


It would be great if you joined the fun at the

(Cards only, please. And they need not be donated.)
Please take some time and visit the fabulous blogs of my teammates.  They work so hard and are very creative! 


Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Debi, Had to smile when you asked "how did this get in my stash?' I have no idea at which cardmaking event I made this month's card... which means I have no idea which company's products I used. Welcome to our worlds, right?! Regardless , that sunglass-wearing birdie couldn't be cuter and your butterfly card couldn't be any sweeter. :)


Thanks so much for saying hi.